Bold Expressions of Living Experiences: Maria Fernandez Gold

Bold Expressions of Living Experiences: Maria Fernandez Gold

NEW YORK, NY Chelseas Agora Gallery bequeath plane the original workof Arlington-born trouper Maria Fernandez Gold in The Saturated Palette. The exhibition opens March 10, 2017 and runs through March 30, 2017 with an fracture reception on Thursday, March 16 from 6-8 pm

Bold Expressions of Living Experiences: Maria Fernandez Gold

Bold Expressions of Living Experiences: Maria Fernandez Gold

The paintings of Maria Fernandez Gold are characterized by her emphatic use of bold color and encaustic texture, which work alongside one another to cause emotional and expressionistic pieces

Most of the workshop shown here are share of Gold’s most former “Blooms” series, inspired by fields of flowers observed out her car window while visiting New England. Golds pieces typically incorporate many different types of media. However, for the “Blooms” series, she used only encaustic wax, creating impressionistic swaths of color with stamps, heat, and brushes

Many of Gold’s additional works, including “Old Glory,” are further political in nature, drawing from her experiences living and working in Washington, DC No dispute what she paints, Gold’s afafir is indelibly tied to her personal feminism and is taut from a extensive perspective

The daughter of artists, Gold associates paintings with a recognize of belonging and home, and she strives to cause workshop that might bear people the equivalent comfort

Exhibition Dates: March 10, 2017 March 30, 2017

Reception: Thursday, March 16, 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat 11-6

Gallery Location: 530 West 25th St, Chelsea, New York

Event URL: http://www.agora-gallerycom/artistpage/Maria_Fernandez_Goldaspx

Featured Artists:

The Saturated Palette

Olivia Kapoor | Ping Lian Yeak | Vanitira | Jessica Watson-Thorp | Susana Rapallo | Han-Yuan Yu | Maria Fernandez Gold | Irina Goryunova | Chen Jin

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About the Exhibition

The Saturated Palette

Agora Gallery is grateful to grant The Saturated Palette, a riotous new gang exhibition that explores an show of intense visual expressions. All ten artists featured here enlist an severe of some sort, be it tone, shape, texture or, supplementary frequently, a mix of several Color is of circuit the leading player, and the exhibitions immense gamut offers examples of how it is deployed to depict people, places, and ideas We see it in bright, kittenish bursts, but further in other unexpected ways. In some works, the standout color is used only sparingly in the frame; in others, it serves to highlight an slant of the theme matter, or even to underline the artists larger impression about motif or line. With oil, pastels, and encaustic, several artists display us how a canvas can include only subtle or darker colors that nevertheless absolutely infuse the device In this exhibition, techniques are taken to their budget and the curious are rewarded.