THE WHAT RING? EzineRing – not a WebRing, but verysimilar. An EzineRing is basically an fellowship orcommunity of e-publishers, preferably all in the samefield, who afafir to promote each other’s ezinesG.



THE WHAT RING? EzineRing – not a WebRing, but verysimilar An EzineRing is basically an collaboration orcommunity of e-publishers, preferably all in the samefield, who business to tend each other’s ezinesGROW YOUR LIST For e-publishers, an EzineRing canprovide a new and ever-growing fountain of targetedsubscribers, ensuring the future success andprofitability of your ventureWORKING SAMPLE Each ezine displays a subject hamper withlinks to the “next” and “previous” ezine samples in thering, as well as a “full list” containing short ads foreach ring member This allows your subscribers tosample and subscribe to ezines in the ringWOULD PEOPLE BOTHER? Ezine publishing is hasty becomingthe fashionable, ring size chart, not to advance smart, thing to do.There is now so much preference that your subscribers wantto notice which ezines are worth subscribing toEzineRings can alleviate this problem wholly Nosingle ezine can hope to tarpaulin everything on aparticular topic; an EzineRing, however, can claim todo moderate this – giving your subscribers exactly whatthey wantTHE “A” LIST Creating an EzineRing is not that hardYou want to draw up a index of e-publishers that youwish to be associated with. Choose publications thatcomplement your ezine – look for behalf presentation, andcontent that adds to your have Subscriber numbers arenot so superior Any targeted (on your nook subject)and well-written ezine will be an asset within yourringPOST YOUR INVITATIONS Send your index an invitation tojoin your EzineRing Here’s a exemplification message completewith instructions:Hi Jayde.com,I’m setting up a emancipate EzineRing for [your ezine name]and obtain selected [their ezine name] to link The ideais uncommonly selfsame to webrings that allow surfers to movefrom site to site in the round An EzineRing allows atargeted audience to request a release illustration and moreover tosubscribe to your ezine A large manner to magnify yoursubscriber base!You only absence to send me a economical content ad [you may wantto specify a length] promoting your ezine This ad mustcontain an autoresponder link to a unchain ezine sampleThe deadline for this is March 1, 2000I will then send you a trifling subject creel that must beplaced in every children of your ezine It leave containautoresponder links to a complete record of participatingezines, and the previous and successive ezine samples in theringI hope to hear from you shortly This is a greatpromotional opportunity for your ezine – so don’t missoutBest wishes,[Your Name][Your Signature File]LINKS IN THE RING Once you’ve received all your ads,you’ll deficiency access to a release autoresponder – an emailmessage that is sent out automatically and*immediately* upon request. Two release autoresponderservices: http://wwwsmartbotpronet or http://wwwGetResponse.comThe easiest article to do is to vocation all your ads on oneautoresponder and rotate them once a month (or on aregular basis) so that everyone’s ad gets maximumexposure – it’s only equitable This autoresponder is yourfull list.BOXING CLEVER! The successive tread is to construct topic boxesfor all the members of your globe These boxes all needto contain unique “previous” and “next” links: * Using list cards or separate sheets of paper, register all your members (including yourself) in alphabetical behest and number from 1 to whatever. * Write down each member’s sample ezine link beneath their name. This was requested in your invitation * On each sheet, write the vocabulary “previous” and “next” on separate lines These chronicle to previous and succeeding ezine samples. * Number 1 in your sphere commit need the instance ezine fit from the end member of your orb Write this splice following to “previous” Then write the illustration ezine mortise from numeral 2 in your circle beside “next” for symbol 1. * This sounds a rarely tricky, but it’s not. Simply venture your way through your sheets of paper remembering that “previous” requires the illustration ezine join from the previous member numbered in the ring, and “next” requires the specimen ezine unite from the later member numbered in the ring. * Each sheet should now contain the unique links vital for all your members * Construct a words hamper for your ring. Example:=======================================================YOUR EZINE-RING NAME GOES HERESample the Best [your field] Ezines – FREE!Prev: sample10@listservercomNext: [email protected] List: eringlist@listservercom=======================================================FINAL COUNTDOWN The last walk is to send the text boxto all your members “Full list” requires theautoresponder interlock that you crystallize up earlier. The onlyparts that amend for each member are the “previous”and “next” links that are now conveniently writtenunderneath each member’s nameADDED VALUE By setting up an EzineRing, instead ofsimply participating in one, you’ve got a lot to gain.Sure, you’ll own to assemble and recorder the wholething, but you can further identify yourself as the ringowner in both the paragraph container and flawless record – these can beused to absolute traffic back to your website. You canalso, for example, reserve the bizarre ad cavity in yourfull list, to tend some of your affiliate links Youare incomplete only by the depths of your imagination

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